2020 Guilhem et Jean-Hugues Goisot Bourgogne Aligote
The different wines of our production come from several appellations and grape varieties, they are available in white or red, identified appellations, villages, cuvées and crus more commonly known in Burgundy: "Climats". Our production comes mainly from old vines (more than 90 years old for some). Our Estate is referenced for the purity that we find in all our wines, the minerality gives aromatic complexity and makes them wines with a very high aging capacity. All our white wines can also be enjoyed as an aperitif where they will whet your appetite and awaken your taste buds; and as an accompaniment to a dish, they will reveal the elegance and finesse of the dish.
Our red wines will express the elegance and finesse of pinot noir with aromatic notes ranging from slightly spicy red fruits to stewed black berries.
Goisot website